If we want our children to develop a personal faith in God we need to teach them doctrine - truths about God and His plan of salvation. We also need to encourage them to ask questions and find biblical answers to those questions. Below are some resources that can either be used directly with kids or are written to equip parents and carers as they teach and answer questions.

This is series of books written by an Australian teacher especially for kids aged Yr.5-Yr.9 to help them think about some of the big questions of life:

Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?

How Do We Know Christianity is Really True?

What Happens When We Die?

Who Am I and Why Does it Matter?

These are the sorts of questions we want our kids to be asking and thinking about so they can grow strong and enduring faith in God. We have tried all the books out on some of the kids from our Children’s and Student Ministry -  they have found the books helpful and recommend them.

10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) About Christianity

A small book that helps teenagers and young adults (as well as parents and carers) to think about ten important questions touching on their Christian faith. The book addresses crucial questions about Christianity such as ‘Can Jesus be True for You but Not for Me?’ and ‘How Can you Believe the Bible is True’ as well as current topics including same sex attraction, transgender and non-binary identities and whether God cares when we hurt. Read in full or pick the chapters you are most interested in.

Jesus Saves - The Gospel for Toddlers

I love this book. Can even little kids understand the gospel – this book shows they can. It sets out the gospel message in full, using simple language and a cadence format that will share big truths in a way that kids under five can understand and engage with. There are wise words of advice at the back for parents about the gospel and toddlers.

God Made Me for Heaven

This picture book explores the Biblical view of heaven for kids, helping them understand God’s promise of a perfect eternity with Him and answering the concern of one of the children in the book who wonders if he is good enough to be saved and go to heaven. It also has some tips for parents talking to their children about Heaven.

In this picture book Rachel the author describes how when she and her husband moved to the remote Elcho Island in the Norther Territory they were adopted by a local Yolnu Family and how this is similar to the way that we are adopted into God’s family through Jesus. Written in both English and the Yolnu language of Warramiri, with colourful illustrations by local artists.

Big Truths for Young Hearts

This book contains summaries of Christian truths based on what the author taught his daughters as they were growing up. A helpful guide for anyone seeking to teach their children who God is and what He has done for us.

Even our youngest children can be introduced to important truths about God through these small books with simple text and engaging pictures. Each book also contains some ideas for activities parents and carers can do with their children.

As kids grow up they will face hard questions from an increasingly hostile world, as well as their own doubts and concerns, that will challenge their faith. These books are written to help parents and carers equip kids to think critically and respond to these challenges in a way that strengthens their belief and trust in God.

In this series of books American journalist Lee Strobel seeks to answer some of the big questions about God and the Christian faith for primary aged kids and are a great resource for parents who have children that are asking hard questions and who want to help them explore answers.

The New City Catechism

Catechisms are a summary of Christian beliefs designed to help us learn and remember the truths about who God is and what He has done for us through a short question and answer format. The New City Catechism also includes Bible references, commentary and prayers. Available in adult or children’s mode and in hardcopy or App.

Everything a Child Should Know about God

This book teaches big truths about who God and what we believe in child friendly language with beautiful illustrations. It has been written to be read with young children and for early readers.

This book introduces children from an early age to the purpose and value of prayer using child friendly language, Bible verses and engaging illustrations.


This book contains questions from real teenagers about God and living His way with responses that encourage them to think biblically about the issues.

 Many of these books are available to borrow from our Family Resources Collection at church.