Want to become a family that explores the Bible together as well as starting kids on a lifelong love of reading it for themselves? Here are some resources that can help.

In this short, easy to read book, Jon Neilson reminds us of the privilege and responsibility of reading the Bible with our children and gives some ideas about how we can do that. Practical and persona

Colin has also put out some books based on some of his classic kids albums that contain quirky pictures, fun activities and Bible passages that help families think more about the Bible truths that can be found in his songs. What a fun way to do some family devotions once a week.

This is a personal devotional book for kids in upper primary and high school that takes them through the gospel of Mark and the good news of Jesus

These two devotionals books are linked to the Gospel Story Bible and can be done in ten-minute chunks. Written to help families place all the bits of the Bible, Old and New Testament, into the Big Picture of salvation through Jesus.

The Big Picture Family devotional

This family devotional is linked to the Big Picture Story Bible and is designed to be used with children aged 10 years and under.

This family devotional works through the Westminster Confession of Faith helping families think about what we believe as Christians.

Three books written to help children aged 6-12 and families to read the Bible for themselves. Exploring the Bible Together comes as a family devotional and a separate personal devotional for kids, and explores the Bible from Genesis through to Revelation. Meeting With Jesus is a personal devotional for kids focusing on the life and ministry and Jesus.

Table Talk

This series provides short family devotionals, taking a small Bible passage and using questions and activities to think about its meaning and application. Available as a subscription and linked to XTB personal devotions for kids.

The Book of Beginnings

Personal devotional series for kids taking a short Bible passage and using questions and activities to think about its meaning and application. Available as a subscription and linked to Table Talk family devotionals.

Youthworks Bible Bites

This devotional has been written by an Australian author for Australian families to help them read and understand the Bible together.

Why not borrow them from our Family Resources Collection at church?