There are a huge number of parenting books available – here are a few that we recommend that are also available to borrow from our Family Resources Collection at church.
This book is written specifically to encourage and equip parents in their task as disciple-makers of their children. It offers helpful suggestions combining both planned family devotional times with informal ‘seize the moment’ opportunities to share the good news about God’s love for us. I recommend it because it is practical, achievable, encouraging and offers a variety of ideas to spark our own creativity. (And it’s short!)
This is a fun story to read with children to help them learn, with Polly, that too much screen time means missing out on other fun things. A great tool to talk to kids about self-control and the value of enjoying technology with boundaries. Also includes some great tips for ‘grown ups’. You can watch a read-aloud video by the author here.
Guiding our children in relation to technology is one of the most difficult tasks we face as parents. This book encourages us as Christian parents to develop a strategy focussing on relationships that will help our children learn to use, control and enjoy technology wisely and safely.
A helpful book for Christian parents seeking to apply the gospel and God’s love to their families focussing on our desire for our children to know God and serve him.
Both of these books are personal and practical testimonies written by Christian parents sharing their experiences as they seek to encourage and equip us to help our children grow in their knowledge and love of Jesus. And each book is short and reads like a conversation not a lecture.
This book is written for teenagers in their senior years at high school, challenging them to think about some of the big issues they are facing – including work, technology, sex, truth and happiness. It’s also helpful for parents to read and use as a springboard for conversations.
Not sure where to start or how to pray for your children? This book provides simple, Bible based prayer suggestions that help focus us to pray in line with God’s love and purpose for them.