We want people to be in right relationships with God. For that to happen, people need to hear the gospel and believe.
But in our culture, people are not on a path toward hearing and believing the gospel. Not only have people never heard the gospel, but many don’t even know a Christian. For people to hear the gospel, they need a friend who links them with Jesus. They need someone who can link them with a community of believers so they can experience the love of God through Christians and explore what Christianity is all about. For that to happen, they need someone to invite them.
Church on Sunday is great place for that as we hear the word of God and we see his love displayed through his people.
Invite someone to church
These business cards are available on the noticeboard in the foyer.
Evangelism: Why and How
Below, you’ll find our favourite books for answering your questions about evangelism and our favourite books to give to others when you share the gospel.
Books to help you grow
Books to give to others
So you’ve shared Jesus with someone… That’s great! What’s next?
Invite someone to read the Bible with you
The Word One to One equips you to introduce your friends to Jesus simply by opening up His Word with them. It provides John’s Gospel in an accessible format so that you can read and discuss God’s Word with anyone, anywhere.
Everything you need is included in the pack. You don't need to be experienced at teaching the Bible or have an in-depth knowledge of John's Gospel before opening these books with your friends. The notes give you everything you need to understand and talk about the passages!
You can purchase a copy from church or from The Wandering Bookseller or Reformers Bookshop.
Evangelism Hour
A group of us meet together regularly to share the joys and hardships of sharing the gospel, and for evangelism training to build our skills and confidence.
If you’d like to join us, contact Dave for details (david@epac.org.au or fill in the form here).